Zsolt Mohai, an eccentric shop window decorator in his 40s, drops by Anna Parádi on his wedding day, asking her to phone his bride Klára Horváth and call off the event. Drama, discussions and musical numbers ensue over topics like romance, loyalty, ambition, and settling for a family life in a modern day city.

Release Date : Dec 31, 1979

Genres : , , ,

Production Company : Pannónia Filmstúdió

Production Countries : Hungary

Original Language : Magyar

Casts : Albert Antalffy, Katalin Bontovics, Katalin Dobos, Anna Papp, Kornél Gelley, Venczel Vera, Lenke Lorán, Arany Szögi

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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