Young farmer Mikajlo while on youth labour action falls in love with a student Nada and infatuated with her, he leaves the peasant brigade and Malena, a girl who as if she were overabundant, followed him to work the labour action. Mikajlo's courtship of Nada provokes laughter and ridicule, so ambitious 'Don Juan' returns to his brigade and the girl.

Release Date : Jan 01, 1962

Genres : ,

Production Company : Avala Film

Production Countries : Yugoslavia

Original Language : Bosanski, Srpski, Hrvatski

Casts : Milena Dravić, Ljubiša Samardžić, Boris Dvornik, Dragomir Felba, Jovan Rančić, Molotov Jovanović, Snežana Mihajlović, Đorđe Nenadović, Dragana Nikolić, Ivan Jagodić, Strahinja Mojić

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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