The film follows the story of Jamie, a struggling butch lesbian actress who gets cast as a man in a film. The main plot is a romantic comedy between Jamie's male alter-ego, "Male Jamie," and Jill, a heterosexual woman on set. The film's subplots include Jamie's bisexual roommate Lola and her cat actor Howard, Lola's abrasive butch German girlfriend Andi, and Jamie's gay Asian friend David.

Release Date : Nov 18, 2008

Genres : , ,

Production Company : Ballet Diesel Films

Production Countries : United States of America

Original Language : English

Casts : Michelle Ehlen, Olivia Nix, Tiffany Anne Carrin, David Au, Andrea Andrei, Joe McDaniel, Mary Lynch, Nathan Edmondson, Fiona Hickey, Nevada Stonbely, Kirsten Ehlen Poppen

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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