In Northeastern Brazil, twelve-year-old Maria is sold to have a better life as a housemaid. However, Maria is resold and sent to a brothel in the Amazon gold fields and put to work by the despicable Saraiva.

Release Date : Mar 04, 2006

Genres :

Production Company : Globo Filmes, Apema Filmes, Caradecão Filmes

Production Countries : Brazil

Original Language : Português

Casts : Antonio Calloni, Otávio Augusto, Darlene Glória, Vera Holtz, Maurício Gonçalves, Chico Diaz, Bianca Comparato, Mary Sheila, Fernanda Carvalho, Caco Monteiro, Antônio Gonzalez

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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