Hawaii, May 1977. After the success of Star Wars, George Lucas and Steven Spielberg meet to find a new project to work on together, the former as producer, the latter as director. The story of how the charismatic archaeologist Indiana Jones was born and how his first adventure, released in 1981, triumphed at box offices around the world.

Release Date : May 07, 2021

Genres : ,

Production Company : ARTE, MDAM

Production Countries : France

Original Language : English, Français, 日本語

Casts : Nathalie Labarthe, Harrison Ford, Steven Spielberg, George Lucas, Omar Sharif, Stella Stevens, Nana Mouskouri, Gene Shalit, Karen Allen, Alfred Molina, Tom Selleck

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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