During the Sarikamis Battle, the Ottoman army runs out of ammunition and appeals to the people of Van for help, who happen to have supplies. However, the First World War is on and all men are fighting at four corners of the empire and therefore can not respond to to the appeal. The young children of Van want to do something...

Release Date : Feb 15, 2008

Genres : , ,

Production Company :

Production Countries : Turkey

Original Language : Türkçe

Casts : Özge Özberk, Burak Sergen, Cansel Elçin, Emin Olcay, Demir Karahan, Ahmet Uz, Oytun Öztamur, Alican Yılmaz, Ozan Cem Dur, Deniz Güngören, Misak Toros

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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