Composed entirely of still photographs shot by Marker himself over the course of his restless travel through twenty-six countries, If I Had Four Dromedaries stages a probing, at times agitated, search for the meanings of the photographic image, in the form of an extended voiceover conversation and debate between the "amateur photographer" credited with the images and two of his colleagues. Anticipating later writings by Roland Barthes and Susan Sontag (who professed her admiration for the film) If I Had Four Dromedaries reveals Marker's instinctual understanding of the secret rapport between still and moving image.

Release Date : Nov 01, 1966

Genres :

Production Company : A.P.E.C., ISKRA

Production Countries : France, Germany

Original Language : Français

Casts : Pierre Vaneck, Nicolas Youmatoff, Catherine Le Couey, Tatyana Lavrova, Tatyana Samoylova, Samuel Feijóo, Samuel Beckett

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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