Crazy Legs Conti is an eccentric New York window washer, nude model and sperm donor, and huge fan of the annual July 4th hot dog eating competition. When he casually breaks the world oyster eating record in New Orleans, he decides to dedicate himself to fulfilling his lifelong dream of becoming a professional competitive eater.

Release Date : May 04, 2004

Genres :

Production Company : Oyster Productions

Production Countries : United States of America

Original Language : English

Casts : Crazy Legs Conti, Eric Booker, Richard Conti, Rona Conti, Dinshaw Gobhai, Jeremy George, Hungry Charles Hardy, Ed Cookie Jarvis, Takeru Kobayashi, Jimmy Little, Mo Ribs Molesky

Director :

Status : Released

Budget : 0

Revenue : 0

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